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Claire Taylor

Welcome to Claire Taylor Art, my online gallery of original Room Portrait Illustrations and Colourful Miscellany.
Room Portraits
I find the process of creating room portraits immensely satisfying. Having made the initial sketch, I commit to the image with a fine liner pen. I work with both watercolour and gouache paints, and if the interior requires it, other mediums to create depth and hi-lights. The busier the room and more cluttered, the better! I particularly enjoy reproducing paintings within a room, and mirrors also add an extra dimension.
With special thanks to the designers, creatives and photographers for use of original images.
I love colour and I love pattern. Vibrantly painted walls, sumptuous furnishings, eclectic nick-knacks and personal treasures all make for a more interesting vignette.
I invite you to enter each room.....

Contact Me
West Lodge
Hammingden Lane
Highbrook, Ardingly
West Sussex
RH17 6SR
Social Media
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